Today, hmmmm........feel very lonely today.
I don't understand why people have to see your disability in order to be your friend.
I see people in wheelchairs, those who are blind, deaf, dumb, people with downs syndrome, and other maladies, all hanging out with friends. At the mall, going to the movies, bars, etc. I see them everywhere.
Why do they rate higher than I, or is it that I rate lower than they?
You can't tell I'm different, not just by looking at me. I appear normal, is that why there is no forgiveness for my, "strange behavior"?
If I were in a wheelchair, would you excuse my "weirdness"? If I had a guide dog, would that make you more likely to be my friend?
I don't get it. I don't look like a freak, but you treat me like a freak, ostracizing me with your absence.
You make me as much of a social leper, as I do myself, like I need your help in that area.
You think my "condition" is a "disability". But if you spent time with me, you would know that its really a gift, with, admittedly, some strange side effects.
I am not contagious, you cant catch Asperger's from me, nor Autism. You cant contract my weirdness, or be infected by my "quirks". If I could, I would share my minds great ability to solve problems, or puzzles, or give you some of my ability to see the world in the ways you cannot, if you would just let me be a part of your world.
Where is my friend, the one that likes me for who I am, or in spite of what condition I may have?
Why is that so much to ask.................
A visible handicap makes one easier to ignore. Seriously. Get in a wheel chair for a day and see how people ignore you. I was astounded not only did they pretend I wasn't there, it almost seemed like they were trying to be rude.
If we have an invisible handicap, we're cheating by not giving them a sign we're "abnormal" thus they treat us like "normal" and we don't react normally (thus being termed "rude"). The less our outward appearance shows our handicap, the less they avoid us till they get to know us. Then they abandon us. Which is why we can make friends but can't keep them.
Again, collective "them". Not all act that way,but enough, yadda yadda yadda.
Interesting take. I hadn't ever thought of it that way. Maybe its because I always seem to notice them.
Oh, I know they probably feel lonely at times too, of that I have no doubt. I am sure that they feel jilted by the "normal world", just as we do.
I think to me, it doesn't really change anything, just from the point of, with the handicaps you can see, if those people are ignored, usually you have an idea as to why. But with us, you spends years trying to figure out why no one "wants" you, until they absolutely "need" you.
That is probably my biggest pet peeve right there. I've known so many people who put me on some sort of, "ignore list", until their computer went down. When that happened, I was their best friend, I was the man, the guy to talk to. Nothing I hate more than "part-time friends".
Anyways, that's my humble opinion.
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