Monday, January 19, 2009

The opposite question.

In the last post, I was curious as to what NT's felt made eye contact so important.
I now wish to try to find out what about eye contact makes those of us with AS, so uncomfortable?
You would think that, having AS, that I would know this answer, but truthfully, as I sit here and ponder on it, I cannot honestly tell you why I dont really wish to look at your eyes.
All I can tell you, is that I have never really liked it....thats it, no real reason beyond that.
I mean I am well aware that by looking into anothers eye's, they will not be stealing my soul. I will not suddenly catch fire, or any other absurd thing.
I absolutely have no idea for myself, as to why this is something so uncomfortable.
So now that I have reflected upon it, I realize how illogical it is, at least for me.
But having said that, its a very real discomforting thing for me, so I doubt that it will change anytime soon.
So now I am curious if any other people with ASD's have an understanding as to why they dont like eye contact.


LizzieK8 said...

I don't think there is a reason. It just is. Like talking louder the more passionate we are. Like interrupting others because something, related or not to the current conversation, occurred to us and we just have to share....

We are a logical people, and we try to find reasons for everything. But sometimes there just aren't any reasons. It just is.

CS McClellan/Catana said...

For me, it comes down to feeling that it's like staring--an intrusion into someone else's space. I don't know if this is common or completely atypical. Some aspies say that the reflectivity of the eyes is uncomfortable. I suspect there are many reasons.

Hartley said...

My son has Aspergers, and I thank you for your writing, as the blogs of those with Aspergers seem to be a much better way to understand than any medical information I have ever seen--that said, my son and I talk a lot about "giving the illusion" of eye contact--he could look at their ears, cheeks, nose, chin or whatever. He doesn't know why the eye contact bugs him, but it is obvious that it does. Do you try to give the "illusion" of eye contact? Thanks

Rachael Elizabeth said...

to answer this the only reason i dont like giving eye contact is cause i get headaches for looking in eyes that is why it so unconforble to me it like looking at a bright light for me for hours even through just looking at someones eyes for a second